Mr. Adika Nuraga Bakrie, Indonesian citizen, had a career as Capital Managers Asia Analyst (2006), Deputy Chief Financial Officer of PT Semesta Marga Raya (2012), Investment Specialist of PT Bakrieland Development (2014), Chief Business Development Officer of PT Jungleland Asia (2015), Commissioner of PT Biofuel Indo Sumatra (2015). Commissioner of PT Bakrie Sumatra Plantation (2017) and Director of PT Graha Andrasentra Propertindo (2015).
He began his career in the Company’s Investor Relations Department (2007), moving on to become VP Strategic Business Development (2013) and Director (2020-2021).
He currently serves as President Commissioner of PT Bumi Resources Minerals Tbk. and President Director of PT Kaltim Prima Coal. He also serves as Commissioner of PT Bakrie Capital Indonesia and PT Arutmin Indonesia.
He was appointed President Director of PT Gaia Energi Baik since 2016 and Director of PT Minarak Brantas Gas, Inc. since 2017.
He earned his Bachelor degree in Science Economics - Finance at Bentley University, Boston, USA in 2005.
Agoes Projosasmito
Vice President Director
Mr. Agoes Projosasmito, Indonesian citizen, began his career at PT (Persero) Danareksa as Head of Capital Markets; Head of Capital Market PT Merchant Investment Corporation (Merincorp), Director of PT Merincorp Securities Indonesia and Vice President Director of PT DBS Securities Indonesia.
Later, he also served as President Commissioner of PT NC Securities, President Commissioner of PT Star Energy Holding Pte. Ltd., Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Deputy Underwriters (AWPEEI) and member of the Economic Board of the National Business Development Council (DPUN).
Currently, he serves as President Director of PT Bumi Resources Minerals Tbk. since 2022. Since 2007, he was appointed as President Commissioner of PT Nusantara Mahabakti, Director of PT AP Investment, and President Director of PT Ithaca Resources. He also was appointed as President Commissioner of PT Maduma Coal Energy since 2010, Vice President Director of PT Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara since 2016 and as President Commissioner of PT Amman Mineral International since 2020 who previously served as President Director in 2016.
He was active in various organizations, including, among others, Member of the Economic Board of the National Business Development Council (DPUN) (1999-2001) and Chairman of the Indonesia Association of Underwriter Representatives (AWPEEI) (2002-2009). He is now active as Honor Council at the Indonesian Capital Market Professional Certification Institute since 2000 and Supervisory Board at APPMI/PROPAMI (Indonesia Association of Capital Market Professionals since 2009.
He obtained a Bachelor of Economics degree from the University of Kristen Satya Wacana (1975-1982) and a diploma degree in Development Economics from the Australian National University, Canberra, Australia (1987-1988).
Nalinkant A. Rathod
Mr. Nalinkant A. Rathod, an Indian citizen, has served as the Company’s Commissioner since 2001.
He has worked for Bakrie Group Indonesia for 25 years in a variety of capacities and senior positions. In January 2012, he was appointed CEO of BUMI Plc, resigned as Commissioner of all Bakrie Group non-coal companies, and was assigned to a review of BUMI plc operations in London. He resigned in August 2013 and continued his assignment in Indonesia.
He is currently the Managing Director of Capital Managers Asia Pte. Ltd., Singapore, a financial consulting firm that operates throughout Asia. He was the President Director of PT Bakrie Global Ventura from 2013 to 2016, as well as the Commissioner of PT Bumi Resources Tbk, PT Bakrie Telecom Tbk, and PT Energi Mega Persada. These companies are members of the Bakrie Group. He is a successful entrepreneur in his field, as well as an accomplished cross-cultural negotiator and dealmaker. He is also involved in a variety of social activities, including serving as President of the India Club in Jakarta, Indonesia, and recently being appointed Chairman of the Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Committee for Indonesia. He had previously served as the Company’s Commissioner since 2001, and President Commissioner until 2020.
Currently, he is the President Commissioner of PT Kaltim Prima Coal and PT Arutmin Indonesia, Indonesia’s largest thermal coal exporters. The two mines are a joint venture between Indonesia’sPT Bumi Resources Tbk and India’s Tata Power Ltd. He also serves as President Commissioner of PT Darma Henwa Tbk since 2021.
He earned a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Andhra University, India in 1970 and Chartered Accountants of India 1976.
Adrian Wicaksono
Mr. Adrian Wicaksono, an Indonesian citizen, has contributed to the Suffolk University Finance Department, Boston, Massachusetts as an Assistant and started his career in the Accounting Department, Star Energy in 2006. Then, he worked as Junior Analyst of Nusantara Capital Securities (2010-2012), and Analyst of Nusantara Capital Securities (2013-2015).
Since 2015, he serves as Co- Owner/Co-Founder of PT Tri Karya Teslatama and Director of PT AP Investment. He holds an Indonesian broker-dealer certificate from The Committee for Capital Market Professional Standards.
He is joining as Director of Business Development PT Bumi Resources Minerals Tbk since 2022.
He earned an Economics Bachelor degree from Suffolk University, Boston, Massachusetts.
Phiong Phillipus Darma
Mr. Phiong Phillipus Darma, an Indonesian citizen, started his career at PT Bayer Indonesia as Assistant Finance Manager/Finance Manager (1982-1984). After that, he joined the Salim Group from 1984 until the present.
Some of the positions he held were as Assistant Finance Manager/Finance Manager of PT Keris Mas Sukses (1984-1988), Tax Manager of PT Inti Salim Corpora (Non-Operation Holding of Salim Group) (1989-1990), Corporate Finance Manager/Deputy Finance Director of PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk., Finance Director of PT Indosiar Visual Mandiri/PT Indosiar Karya Media (2002-2011), President Director of PT Mekar Perkasa (Holding Company of PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk) (2006-2016), and Commissioner of PT Asuransi Jiwa Central Asia Raya (2009-2021).
In addition to serving as Director of the Company, he also serves as Commissioner of PT Indolife Pensiontama since 1994, Commissioner of PT Asuransi Central Asia since 2008, Commissioner of PT Nikko Securities Indonesia since 2014, Non-Executive Director of Atlantic Ltd., Australia since 2010 and Commissioner of PT Electric IDR Exchange since 2020.
He obtained a Bachelor degree in economics from the Faculty of Economics, University of Tarumanegara.
Eddy Sanusi
Mr. Eddy Sanusi, an Indonesian Citizen, started his career at PT Bank Bali as Officer Trainee, Marketing Manager (1986-1989). Business Development Manager at PT Mitsubishi Buana Bank (1989-1990), Marketing Manager, Branch Manager and Regional Manager for North Sumatra and Aceh regions of PT Bank Dagang Nasional Indonesia (1990-1992), Director of PT Gajah Surya Multi Finance (1992-1996) , President Director of PT Gajah Surya Multi Finance (1996-1997), International General Manager of PT Bank Dagang Nasional Indonesia (1997-1998), Senior General Manager of PT Global Putra International (1998-2005), President Director of PT Tasan Megah Pratama International (2005 -2007), Managing Director of PT Bukit Baiduri Energi (Coal Mine) (2007-2009).
Since 2009, Managing Director of PT Ithaca Resources (Holding for Coal Mines) and President Director of PT Persada Sukses Makmur (Sub Holding for Coal Mines).
He earned a degree in chemistry from the Oregon State University, Corvallis, USA.
Andrew Christopher Beckham
Mr. Andrew Christopher Beckham, a British citizen, has served as the Company’s Director since 2013. He began his professional career in the United Kingdom 10 years prior to moving to Australia to join Allianz and Exxon Mobil. In February 2000, he moved to Indonesia and began working as a consultant for BHP Billiton at PT Arutmin Indonesia (“Arutmin”). In December 2001, he was appointed as Finance Manager at Arutmin, which is currently owned by the Company. Following the acquisition of PT Kaltim Prima Coal (“KPC”), he served as Business Development Manager in KPC and wash involved in Indonesia’s first investment grade bond issuance since the financial crisis.
In January 2005, he joined the Company as Vice President, before being appointed Chief Financial Officer in December 2006. He was also Director of Herald Resources in ASX since 2009, and Chief Financial Officer of Bumi Plc until 2012 before he was appointed Chief Operating Officer at the Company. Since 2014, he returned to his position as Director/Chief Financial Officer at the Company and Director of KPC. He also serves as Member of the Environment, Social and Good Governance (“ESG”) Committee of PT Bumi Resources Tbk since 2021.
He is a member of Australian Institute of Company Directors.
He graduated from Portsmouth University with a Honourable degree in Economics in 1990.
Dileep Srivastava
Independent Director & Corporate Secretary
Mr. Dileep Srivastava, an Indian citizen, joined the Bakrie Group in 1997 and held a number of senior positions in companies belonging to the Bakrie Group, including as Director of PT Bakrie & Brothers Tbk (2008-2010), Director of PT Trans-Bakrie (1998-2004), and was in charge of Group Investor Relations and Corporate Planning/Business Development for PT Bakrie & Brothers Holding (including PT Bakrie Telecom Tbk) where he served as Vice President IR, Business Development, Strategic Planning (2004–2006). He served as the Company’s Senior Vice President Investor Relations (2006-2010) and was in charge of investor relations, corporate secretary, public relations, media, governance, and communications functions.
Prior to joining the Bakrie Group, he served as Chief Executive Officer of PT Kalindo Deka Griya (owner of Menara Kadin Indonesia) (1995–1997) and other real estate projects in Indonesia, leading Bennett & Coleman New Delhi (owner of the Times India Group, India’s largest publisher) (1990–1995), and was in charge of various businesses and functions at ICI India Limited (1973-1990).
He serves as Corporate Secretary of the Company since 2007, he also serves as Member of the Environment, Social and Good Governance (“ESG”) Committee of PT Bumi Resources Tbk since 2021.
He earned a Bachelor of Commerce (B. Com) from Kanpur University in 1971 and a Master of Business Administration in Marketing & Finance from the Indian Institute of Management (IIMA), Ahmedabad, India in 1973.
R.A. Sri Dharmayanti
Mrs. R.A. Sri Dharmayanti, an Indonesian citizen, was the Chief Legal Officer prior to serving as Director of the Company in 2008. She is also a member of the Advisory Board of the Indonesian Coal Mining Association (APBI) since 2014, a member of the Supervisory Board of the Indonesian Mining Association (API), a member of the Indonesian Mining Experts Association (PERHAPI) since 2012, a member of the Indonesian Issuers Association (AEI) study team since 2011, a member of the Supervisory Board of the Indonesian Company Secretaries Association (ICSA) since 2008.
She also serves as Director and Corporate Secretary of PT Bakrie & Brothers Tbk since 2008, and Commissioner of both PT Kaltim Prima Coal and PT Arutmin Indonesia since 2007.
She was appointed as Chairman of the Environment, Social and Good Governance (“ESG”) Committee at the Company since 2021.
She earned Masters degree in Law from the University of Indonesia.
Ashok Mitra
Mr. Ashok Mitra, an Indian citizen, was General Manager - Finance of The Tata Power Company Limited, Mumbai India in 2002 – 2007 who previously served as Chief Financial Officer of Nelco Ltd.(1987–2002) and Accountant of Dunlop India Ltd. (1981–1987).
He has 40 years of diverse and successful experience across industries.
Assigned to Indonesia in August 2007, he served as Senior Chief Financial Officer of PT Kaltim Prima Coal (“KPC”) before appointed as Director of KPC since April 2022. And since 2020, he was appointed as Commissioner of PT Darma Henwa Tbk.
In 2021, he was appointed as Member of the Environment, Social and Good Governance (“ESG”) Committee at the Company.
He earned BCOM HONS from Calcutta University in 1976 and Chartered Accountant and Company Secretary from the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) and the Institute of Company Secretary of India (ICSI) 1980.
Maringan M. Ido Hotna Hutabarat
Mr. Maringan M. Ido Hotna Hutabarat, an Indonesian citizen, was has held various positions at PT Timah Tbk, Indometal (London) Ltd., having his last position as Marketing Executive Europe Area (1992–1999), Business Planning Manager of PT Cemex Indonesia (Jakarta, Bangkok, Manila) (2000-2003), Marketing Manager of PT Arutmin Indonesia (2003-2010), and GM MRCP of PT Arutmin Indonesia (2010-2014).
He serves as Chairman of the Indonesian Mining Association (“IMA”) since 2016, Chief Executive Officer of Arutmin since 2014 and Vice President Marketing at the Company since 2015.
Since 2020, he also acting as Chief Executive Officer of PT KPC and Chief Marketing Officer at the Company.
In 2021, he was appointed as Member of the Environment, Social and Good Governance (“ESG”) Committee at the Company.
He earned a Bachelor’s degree from the Faculty of Mining Engineering, majoring in Metallurgy at the Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia in 1990, and a Postgraduate degree at the Arthur D. Little School of Management, Cambridge, United States in 1997.
Rio Supin
Mr. Rio Supin, an Indonesian citizen, has experience in accounting, taxation, asset management, and finance and is involved in turnaround and business improvement processes in mining companies. He joined as a Graduate Development Program (GDP) participant at PT Kaltim Prima Coal (“KPC”) in November 1999, served as Accounting and Tax Manager in 2008, and then served as Finance General Manager in May 2012. He also has served as President Director of PT Darma Henwa Tbk (2021 - June 2023).
In 2019, he took up a new position as GM Business Development and Risk Management of KPC, where he was in charge of developing the Added Value Improvement (PNT) project by converting coal into chemical products. In 2020, he was in charge of the Company’s business development.
Since 2021, he serves as Director of Business Development at the Company, which is in charge of developing new business potential, new renewable energy, and business transformation at PT Bumi Resources Tbk and also serves as President Commissioner of PT Batuta Chemical Industrial Park. In 2019, he was appointed as GM Business Development and Risk Management of KPC
He holds a Bachelor’s degree in accounting, taxation, asset management, and finance from Sriwijaya University, Palembang in 1999. He holds a Chartered Accountant certificate from the Indonesian Accountants Association (IAI) since 2013.
Yingbin Ian He
Mr. Yingbin Ian He, a Canadian citizen, previously served as a lecturer at the Heilongjiang Institute of Mining and Technology (1982–1985), a Mineral Process Engineer at Teck Resources (1990–1993), and a Senior Metallurgical Engineer at Process Research Associates Ltd. (1993–1995). Later, he served as President and Director of Spurs Ventures Inc. (1995–2006) and General Manager of Yichang Maple Leaf Chemicals Inc. (2003–2006 and 2011–2017), and Chairman and Director at Vatukoula Gold Mines Limited (Non-Executive Chairman 2013–2021, and Executive Chairman since 2022).
Since 2000, he serves as Independent Director of China Gold International Resources Corp. and in 2009, he also was appointed as Chairman of the Audit Committee of China Gold International Resources Corp. In 2017, he serves as Independent Director and Chairman of Nomination & Corporate Governance Committee SouthGobi Resources and Lead Independent Director of China Gold International Resources Corp. since 2018.
He earned a Master of Applied Science (1989) and a Ph.D. in 1994 in Mineral Process Engineering from the University of British Columbia, Canada. Previously, he obtained a Bachelor of Engineering degree in 1982 in Coal Preparation Technology from Heilongjiang University of Science and Technology (USTH), China.
Himawan Setiadi
Mr. Himawan Setiadi, an Indonesian citizen, He had a career as Assistant Director of MIS at ALatieF Corporation (1994–1996) and Enterprise Product Manager at Microsoft Indonesia (1996–1999). He worked at PT Bayer Indonesia from 1999 to 2012, holding a number of positions, namely Infrastructure Manager (1999–2003) and in 2008 he was appointed as Country Manager of Corporate Security as well as Member of the Steering Committee for Corporate Services until 2012, and Country Head of IT (2003–2012). Then, he served as Regional Head of IT for Southeast Asia at Tenaris Group (2012–2014), IT Director of PT Sumber Alfaria Trijaya Tbk (2014-2017), and most recently as Chief Digital and Technology Officer of PT Golden Energy Mines Tbk (2017- 2022).
Since 2023, he serves as Director before joining the Company as the Chief Digital & Technology Officer in 2022. He was appointed as Director of PT Kaltim Prima Coal since 2023.
He is also an active lecturer at the University of Indonesia from 2004 until now.
He completed his master degree in computer science and currently he is undergoing the Doctoral Program in Strategic Management for Digitalization at Brawijaya University.